I have a confectionery project
And I’m going to start it tonight –
As quiet as a mouse,
I’ll be building a house
Made ENTIRELY of Turkish Delight..
With delectable rose-tinted windows,
On a chocolate-dipped chaise-longue I’ll linger..
by a table-top-sized block of perfumed deliciousness,
breaking off bits with my fingers…
It’s become an abiding addiction,
And I never can get quite enough:
My larder is stocked
With MILLIONS of blocks
Of the wonderful chocolatey stuff..
If I lay the foundations this evening,
I’ll have it all finished quite soon –
And my house will have stairs
made of chocolate eclairs,
Reaching right up to the moon …
Then I’ll curl myself up for the Winter
While the blizzards pile snow all about :
In a rose-scented dream
I’ll be lost to the world,
As I gradually eat my way out…