It’s been a while since I shared one of my “Words About Birds” poems, but since Hallowe’en is nearly upon us, here’s “A Murder Of Crows” – a dark, Gothic drama fit for Edgar Allen Poe…

I’ve been away, she said, I’ve been away,Away down the river and out to the seawhere there are…
Oh no – it’s SPIDER TIME again… Just how do they get in my house – and why?
Relationships can be tricky, often wobbling wildly between “Ho, hum” and “Hurrah”. I think one of the best…
Early on Saturday morning, I swear I heard a Cuckoo! I know it is very early, but the…
Ah, Bank Holiday Monday…the sun is out – and so are the Weekend Warriors. Here’s “Bikers”.
I have a little Rowan Tree in my garden, and have been enjoying watching the clusters of berries…
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